About me
I’m a Ph.D. candidate in structural engineering at Lehigh University. My research advisor is Dr. Paolo Bocchini. My general research interests include infrastructure resilience and wind hazard. Specifically, my Ph.D. studies focus on the reliability and resilience of electricity power systems against natural hazards such as wildfires and hurricanes.
In my spare time, I enjoy running and reading. I’m also a seasonal sucker for ice cream and nuts (allegedly emotional/revenge eating).
Magic Paper Length
Is there a magic number of pages for a paper? I studied three example researchers that I admire: Dr. Soda, Dr. Jelly, and Dr. Butter.
Interesting and Useful Websites
This post serves as an archive of interesting or useful or sometimes interestingly useful websites I came across.
Almost Win
Xinyue won the second place in the ATLSS Fantasy Football League. Bravo!
Common Pitfalls for Python Beginners
I learnt Python on myself without getting systematic training on it. Here is a collection of pitfalls that I came across, and I will keep updating them. You may find it especially useful if you switched from Matlab to Python like me.
Quotes to remember
Some sobering quotes I would like to remember and execute.