SEI ETS Conference Scholarship

Great news! Xinyue has received the Tier 1 Student Scholarship to participate at the Electrical Transmission & Substation Structures Conference (ETS Conference) Oct 2-5, 2022 in Orlando, Florida! Great appreciation goes to the SEI Futures Fund that makes this scholarship possible as well as the ETS Conference Scholarship Selection Committee. Xinyue is particularly grateful for the support from her advisor Dr. Paolo Bocchini who squeezded time to write a last-minute recommendation letter while busy in a conference.

As icing on the cake, Xinyue will be assigned a conference committee member as an informal mentor to shadow and assist at the confernce. Rumor has it, people in the industry (just as most attendees of the ETS confernce) can be ‘tough’ to talk to. Xinyue is excited to check out if this true by herself, and this mentor involvement definitely serves as appreciable relief.

Xinyue’s Motivation for Attending the ETS Conference:

Xinyue’s Ph.D. study is focused on the resilience analysis of electric power systems under wind hazard. By attending this specialty conference, Xinyue expects to learn more about the the state of art and the state of practice, as well as the current challenges in the industry. More importantly, the conference will be a tremendous opportunity to start making professional connections in the energy sector. While Xinyue has a strong background in structural engineering, resilience is a multi-discipline topic and requires collaboration of experts from different fields. The connections made in the conference will be valuable resources for her research at different phases, such as consulting expert opinions through surveys and interviews, collecting particular asset data, or validating research outcomes through case studies and pilot projects. Meanwhile, Xinyue also wanted to explore the breadth of career opportunities available to structural engineering students, and this networking experience can help develop her future careers.
