EERI Lecture – Georgios Tsampras

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) Lehigh Univeristy Student Chapter held their first post-Covid and in-person seminar. It was their great pleasesure to have Dr. Georgios Tsampras to be the guest speaker. The lecture was titled ‘Careers in structural engineering‘. The link to the flyer is provided at the end.

Dr. Georgios Tsampras earned his doctoral degree from Lehigh University in 2016. Afterwards, he explored different careers before joining UC San Diego in 2020 as an assistant professor. Check out his research website.

An interesting fact about Georgios is that he was the founder of the EERI Lehigh Univeristy Student Chapter. Indeed, Georgios won a lot of love and support from ATLSS because many folks who attened the lecture usually work from home. We hope we made you feel at home!

This was also the first seminar that Xinyue origanized as the president of EERI LU Student Chapter. Big thanks to all the E-board members for the great teamwork!
