EERI Lecture – Jay Wilson

The Earthquake Engineering Research Institue (EERI) Lehigh University Student Chapter held another lecture titled “Championing Disaster Resilience: Finding and Opening Those Windows of Opportunity” by Mr. Jay Wilson. This lecture was co-sponsored by the EERI Friedman Family Visiting Professionals Program (FFVP) and the Lehigh Valley Section of ASCE (LVASCE).

Mr. Jay Wilson is the Clackmas County Resilience Coordinator with the Department of Disaster Management. In the lecture, he shared his direct experiences from his work on the Oregon Resilience Plan, and with seismic projects, programs, and policies in the Portland, Oregon area. More information about the lecture can be found in this link.

In addition to the professional lecture, Mr. Wilson also interacted with faculty and students through various activities, including a campus tour, a meeting with Dr. Bocchini’s research group, a lunch with EERI E-board members, and a tour of ATLSS facilities, etc.

It was a busy, rainy and yet lovely day. We really appreciate Mr. Wilson’s time and efforts for making this in-person visit, and more importantly for pushing the valuable message about ‘disaster resilience’.

We’d like to thank all the people who helped make this event happen. They are:

  • Dr. James Ricles (Club Advisor)
  • Dr. Stephen J. Ressler (President of LVASCE)
  • Dr. Paolo Bocchini and his research group
  • Dr. Liang Cao
  • All E-board members: Soheila Sadeghi, Sena Mursel, Ziyan Ouyang, Bryan González, and Xinyue Wang (myself)
  • All the audience (in-person and on zoom)
