Publication List

Note: Links to the publications are provided below. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by the authors or copyright holders.

Journal Papers

Wang, X., and P. Bocchini. 2023. “Predicting wildfire ignition induced by dynamic conductor swaying under strong winds.” Sci Rep, 13 (1): 3998. Nature Publishing Group.

Wang, X., W. Wen, and C. Zhai. 2020. “Vulnerability assessment of a high-rise building subjected to mainshock–aftershock sequences.” The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 29 (15): e1786.

Conference Proceedings

Xinyue Wang, Liyang Ma, Paolo Bocchini. Panel-Oriented Surrogate Model for Developing Class Fragility Curves for Transmission Towers. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, July 09-13, 2023. (Presenter: Dr. Paolo Bocchini)

Xinyue Wang, Paolo Bocchini. Panel-Oriented Surrogate Model for Developing Class Fragility Curves for Transmission Towers. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE, 2023.

Xinyue Wang, Paolo Bocchini. Predicting Wildfire Ignition Induced by Conductor-Vegetation Contact Under High Winds. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the Engineering Mechanics Institute, ASCE, p. 688, 2022.

Curated Datasets

Coming soon…


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